Broadcast business campaigns and text messages using Bulk SMS Software

Highly advanced and best featured Bulk SMS Software that provided by DRPU Software Pvt Ltd helps user to promote business production by sending group text messages and product details via computer system connected with GSM, Android, Windows based mobiles or USB modems. No internet connection required to broadcast bulk text sms with the help of mobile marketing program worldwide.

In present time every organization wants to increase its own production in minimal cost and time and we know that advertisement is a major factor to highlight product features and services. Download Professional Bulk SMS Software that provides convenient way to compose and send unlimited text messages and business campaigns from desktop and laptop system without internet in very short time duration.
Attractive and interactive graphical user interface enabled Bulk SMS messaging program provides more significant and time saving procedure to advertise product details and services all over the world countries. Bulk SMS marketing application is used to send greetings, personal messages, notifications, meeting reminders etc via PC connected with Android or Windows based mobiles.
Most of the people uses advertising media like television, news paper ad etc but these media are not suitable to connect customers at each and every location of world. Bulk SMS marketing tool provides best way to communicate with clients, customers, business partners and other mobile audiences by broadcasting mass text messages with delay delivery option. Text marketing process provides an affordable way to connect with partners, consumers and associates in minimal efforts.
*Bulk SMS program composes and sends bulk text messages from computer system to multiple mobile users simultaneously.
*Text messages marketing tool helps user to communicate with people by broadcasting group text messages with delay delivery option.
*Bulk text message software does not require any internet connection to send group text messages from computer system worldwide.
*Bulk SMS broadcasting application supports Unicode languages to send text messages in any textual format.

Čítaný: 841x, autor: Devesh Singh

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